Greg Ordy
Here's a look at the current W8WWV station. Over time, I replaced the Heathkit HW-100 described on the WB9CTH page with a Kenwood TS-440. A fine radio. That radio was replaced with a Yaesu FT-920. At this time, my main HF radio is an ICOM IC-756PRO.
My home station setup is shown in the following pictures. Please select a picture or the text for more information. My portable station is described on another page. I do not have a page that describes my mobile station, but I have described my mobile mount.
Some of my antennas are shown in the following pictures. Again, follow the links for additional information.
160 Meter Vertical (not on web (yet!)) |
80/40 Meter Vertical Array (not on web (yet!)) |